Uncovering Cicada Wiki

This article discusses the numbers that appear on page 15 of the document received from Onion 7.

The numbers[]

The table of numbers as they appear in the image from Onion 7:

  3258 3222 3152 3038
  3278 3299 3298 2838
  3288 3294 3296 2472
  4516 1206  708 1820

Table of primes[]

Subtracting (or adding) each of the numbers from 3301 yields a table of prime numbers! (eg. 3301-3258=43). This table is shown below:

    43      79           149           263
    23       2             3           463
    13       7             5           829
  7817    4507          2593          1481


Of particular interest, all of the values except the last two follow the form 3301-X where the last two follow the form 3301+X.

One possible reason for this is because the next values in the table could not be represented with 4 digits using the original formula. On the other hand, other users have felt this may be some sort of signal.

Conversion to order values[]

All prime numbers appear in the sequence P={2,3,5,7, ...}. In this sequence, a particular prime number can be represented as Pn (for example P3) where 'n' is the "order" (position in the sequence).

If we consider 2 to be of order 0 (P0), then 3 is of order 1, and so on - such that P0,P1,P2,P3 represent the prime numbers 2,3,5,7. Using this relationship we can represent the table by their position in the sequence of all prime numbers. Here is the table of their positions:

   13   21   34   55
    8    0    1   89
    5    3    2  144
  987  610  377  233


Infographic: https://i.imgur.com/LDLqgsW.png

Considering either the Table of Primes, or the Order Table:

If you read the numbers starting at the lowest value and continuing in ascending value, the path you take along the table will form a spiral. The spiral can be created using the Fibonacci sequence, where the next value is the sum of both previous values.

For example: ......13, 21, 34(13+21), 55(21+34), 89(34+55)......etc

Related snippets[]

Note: this section has not been verified or cleaned up.

  fibonacci sequence!
  F(7)   F(8)   F(9)     F(10)
  F(6)   F(0)   F(1/2)  F(11)
  F(5)   F(4)   F(3)     F(12)
  F(16) F(15)  F(14)   F(13)
  F(17) F(26)  F(25)   F(24)
  F(18) F(27)  F(28)   F(23)
  F(19) F(20)  F(21)   F(22)
  Not j28 addition
  ust fibonacci sequence but it also begins a mobius loop... 0-14 e subtraction, 15-
  a thing that look like an 8, a loop, a mobius strip, or an infinity sign

Another Explanation[]

This number square is related to Zeckendorf's Theorem: if we count in ascending powers in the Fibonacci-base number system you can exactly reproduce the spiral:


2 more links with explanation how spiral matrix was formed[]


